Battlefield 2

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Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2 v1.41 Patch - 536.01MB

Battlefield 2 - Highway Tampa Map - 63.49MB



There is a problem with your connection.

Yeah I know this picture is from BF2142

There are about a dozen things that can cause this, including

  • Bad network driver
  • Bad network card
  • Faulty network cable
  • Faulty hub, router, switch, or modem
  • Bad internet connection (call your ISP)
  • Multiple network adapters enabled (see the troubleshooting section)
  • Wrong network stack-order (see the troubleshooting section)
  • Port forwarding issues
  • Firewalls
  • High ping
  • Punkbuster problems
  • Downloading things in the background
  • Having a multi-core processor


Set the game to run on ONE core.

To fix this, you will need to set the affinity of the game to run on only one of the processor cores.

  • Start up Battlefield
  • Push ctrl+alt+del (this will minimize the game) and go to the 'Processes' tab.
  • In that list, find BF2.exe (or BF2142.exe). Right-click on it and go to 'Set Affinity'.
  • Now, in that next window that pops up, uncheck all but one of the cores.

  • Push 'Ok' and then close the task manager.
  • Go back to the game and pwn some n00bs.

The game is now set to run on a single core, and you should see some improvements with connectivity issues. This won't solve everything, but it's one more thing to cross off the list.

Also, this is not a permanent fix! You must do this each time you run the game!

Patching Problems

If you are having problems patching the game, it could be because you don't have the game installed to your C drive. I realize that this SHOULDN'T be a problem, but it is.

Also, if you have your copy of Battlefield 2 completely up-to-date, but then install Special Forces, you must re-update Battlefield 2, as well as the expansion. It's better to just install Battlefield 2, then Special Forces, then do all the patching.


Custom Resolutions

As you may have noticed, many common screen resolutions are not avilable by default. However, we can force the game to run at any resolution we want.

First, right-click on the shortcut you use to start the game, then select properties.

You will see in the "Target:" "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1

We want to change it to "C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1680 +szy 1050

So just add the +szx 1680 +szy 1050 part at the end. This will also work for the Special Forces pack.

Obviously, you can substitute any resolution you would like here. I have chosen 1680x1050.

When you are done, just push "apply" and then "ok"

You can find more information here.


BF2 Crashes on startup

One attempt to fix this is to remove both the following files: Global.con

Out of the 'C:\Documents and Settings\YOURUSERNAME\My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles' directory. I wouldn't delete them neccessarily, just move them elsewhere. Try launching the game after doing so. If it works, then great. You can delete the files you moved. This will reset your keybindings though, so be prepared to re-map them.


Can I Disable the Intro Movies?

Yes you can. Download my utility, and push the button. You can even restore the intro movies if you want to later. This will also remove the intro movies from the Special Forces expansion.



What ports does Battlefield 2 use?

TCP: 29900-29901, 80, 4711, 1024-1124

UDP: 27900, 29900, 1500-4999, 1024-1124, 28910, 16567, 55123-55125


How Can I Display The Framerate?

Start by opening the console (~ by default, only works during gameplay), and then type in "renderer.drawfps 1" without the quotes and push enter. You should now see a red display of your framerate in the upper left of the screen.

To turn it back off, simply type "renderer.drawfps 0"


Reduce the Number of Punkbuster Checks

After joining a server, open up the console by pressing ~

Type in 'pb_sleep500' without the quotes and push enter

Now, to save this new setting, type in 'pb_writecfg' without the quotes and push enter


How Can I Update Punkbuster?

Please see the Punkbuster page.


PunkBuster Kicks / Other Issues

Download the apps available on the PunkBuster page. These can ensure you have the most up-to-date versions of the software, and help you diagnose / repair any issues with it.


Loosing Key Packets

This generally has to do with a poor internet connection. Other things to look at include your router settings, firwall, antivirus, anti-spyware, punkbuster version, drivers... pretty much anything.

Assuming you have already dealt with all these possible issues already, you seriously need to consider the problem being your ISP.

I personally have had my internet drop in and out so fast that my modem lights aren't affected. After much, MUCH pestering to my ISP, they finally admitted there was a problem and ended up fixing the local node. Remember, "the squeakiest wheel gets the grease", so keep bothering them!