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Where are my saved games?

Touchstone decided to make it difficult and hid your profile and gamesaves in "C:\Documents and Settings\(Windows User Name)\Application Data\Touchstone\Turok\Profiles".


How do I throw a grenade?

First of all, the fact that this question even needs to be addressed is sad. Anyway, for whatever reason, throwing grenades is done by holding down a shift key, and then pressing the attack button (mouse click).


Can I pickup used arrows?

Unfortunately, you cannot pickup arrows that have already been fired, even if you can clearly see it.


Problems After Loading From A Quicksave

It has been said in many forums that there is a problem when using the quicksave function built into this game. Even though the level loads, key events won't take place, or certain items are missing, which basically means you are stuck.

You have two choices, you can either try exiting the entire game and re-loading the save, or go back to a previous save (an auto save) and hope that you can make it thru to the next one without using a quicksave.

Just do yourself a favor and pretend quicksaves don't exist.


None of my Controls Are Working

Apparently, this can somtimes be solved by loading a previous save (autosave, not quicksave).


How do I open the console?

By default, the console is disabled. However, you can manually enable it by opening the "TurokInput.ini" file located in your Game\Config directory. Locate the following Lines:
And Change it to


Now, when you push the "End" key on your keyboard, the console will open.


Cheat Codes

After enabling the console (see previous tip), you can type in the following to enable cheats:

  • god - enables god mode
  • allammo - Gives you 999 ammo
  • allweapons - Gives you all the weapons
  • loaded - Gives you all the weapons
  • fly - Fly mode
  • walk - Walk mode
  • ghost - No clipping mode
  • behindview 1 - 3rd person view
  • oneshotkill - One hit kills
  • alwaysammo - Unlimited ammo
  • playersonly - Freezes the enemies
  • teleport - Teleports to the crosshair


There are Graphic Glitches / Small Lines Appearing

This is due to your monitor not re-drawing the image fast enough. The result is this 'tearing' effect. Now, enabling VSync is supposed to correct this. However, some people are claiming it works better with it turned off. It's best to just try it both ways and see what works best on your macine.