
Aside from buying more expensive hardware, If you have the console enabled, we can use it to help increase the game's performance.
The following is a list of commands and what they will do
- cl_detaildist (number) - Determines the view distance for grass, trash and other similar 'small' items. Lowering this number will increase your performance, but will also take away some detail.
- cl_detailfade (number) - Determines how close you have to be to an object for it to show up. Lowering it will increase performance. If you raise it, don't raise it higher than you set cl_detaildist otherwise it will default to zero.
- cl_ejectbrass (0,1) - This determines if guns will eject brass shells. Set to zero to boost performance.
- cl_smooth (0,1) - With this enabled, it can cause stuttering. By default, it is on. Set it to zero.
- dsp_slow_cpu (0,1) - Setting this to zero will slightly lower the sound quality, freeing up some of your CPU.
- fov (number) - This determines your field of vision. 90 degrees is the default. You can set it up to 120 degrees without any picture distortion. However, leaving it at 90 is recommeded since we are trying to inrease performance.
- r_fastzreject (-1,0,1) - Setting this option to 1 will increase your performance. However, not all computers are capable of taking advantage of this. As a result, you may get corruption or other abnormalities while playing. To disable it, set it to -1 (not zero).
- mp_decals (number) - This will set the maximum amout of decals (like bullet holes). Decreasing will increase performance, increasing will be more 'realistic'. This number can't exceed 4096.
- r_lod (-8 to 8) - This settings messes with the games Level of Detail. Your distance from an object determines how detailed it is in-game. Raising the number will keep stuff at a lower detail (increasing performance), but also making the game look worse. By default, this is set to -1.
- r_dynamic (0, 1) - Setting this to zero will deactivate all dynamic lighting. This will definetly improve your framerate.
- cl_ragdoll_collide (0,1) - Setting this to 1 will cause more realistic collisions between characters.
- r_propsmaxdist (number) - This determines at what distance objects are lost in 'fog'. By default, its set to 1200.
- r_avglight (number) - Determines the number of lights on objects. It is set to 1 by default. Setting it to zero isn't recommended.
- r_maxdlights (number) - Sets the maximum number of dynamic lights a player can see on the screen at once. Raising it makes it pretty, lowering it makes it faster.
- mat_nofastbump (0,1) - Setting it to zero disables bump mapping on all floors. It will increase performance, but all floors will look very flat.
- mat_bumpmap (0,1) - Setting it to zero will disable all bump mapping in the game. It will look like Turok on N64 though lol.
- mat_specular (0,1) - Setting it to zero will turn off specular lighting, increasing performance but making it less pretty.
- mat_mipmappedtextures (0,1) - Making it zero means textures won't look as good, but performance will increase.
- mat_filterlightmaps (0,1) - This setting turns on and off light filtering. Zero = uglier but faster.
- mat_clipz (0,1) - Activating this will fix issues with Nvidia FX cards, and also improve performance on newer ones.
- r_drawflecks (0,1) - Controls particles from explosions, dropping things, etc... Setting to zero will boost performance.
- mat_dx level (70, 80, 81, 90) - This number determines what DirectX features will be used to render the game. DX7 = 70, DX8 = 80 or 81, and DX9 = 90. If your card is suffering try lowering this number to the next step down. It will disable certain visual features, but will improve performance.
- muzzleflash_light (0,1) - If set to zero, While firing your weapon, surrounding objects will no longer light up. This will bost performance to an extent.