FarCry 2

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Far Cry 2 v1.03 Patch - 60MB

Widescreen FOV Fix - Patch v1.02 and above no longer need this fix


Crash At Startup

Aside from updating to the latest ForceWare and DirectX (click here to get them), you can try what my friend did. Try turning off anti aliasing. It has solved his issue, and the problem can be duplicated by turning it back on. He is running Windows XP 32bit, the latest version of DirectX, and the 180.42 Beta ForceWare driver.


True widescreen support?

UPDATE: As of patch 1.02, the FOV has been corrected in single player mode! This following fix may no longer be required!

For whatever reason, the widescreen in Far Cry 2 isn't true widescreen. What you actually are seeing is a cropped version of the 4:3 image. WTF you might say, or even GTFO, but it's unfortunately true. But fear not, for someone known as 'Racer_S' over at the widescreen gaming forum has created a fix. This fix will only work with version 1.00 of the game.

  • Run the trainer/hack
  • Edit the options as needed
  • Start Far Cry 2
  • Press * on the numpad to enable the new FOV settings
  • To disable, push / on the numpad

The default settings are X FOV: 1, Y FOV: 1.333

For a 16:10 display, it recommends the following settings - X FOV: 1.31, Y FOV: 1.253

Download the fix

Additional Content

So you want to unlock the extra missions but you didn't preorder your game from the right place? What a shame. OOPS who posted these codes here??!


Try 'em all. There are only six missions total to unlock. If one of those codes says you have unlocked the missions, you are done. Also, I post this without hesitation because of a few things.

  • 1. I did preorder the game and receive a code to unlock the bonus missions
  • 2. Nowhere on this code does it say not to share it.
  • 3. Even people who legitametly purchased or preordered the game from other places did not get a chance to get a code.

You're welcome.