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Far Cry Retail 1.30 Patch
Far Cry Retail 1.30 to 1.31 Patch
Far Cry 1.31 to v1.33 Retail Patch
FarCry Hamachi Fix - Only works with version 1.33 of the game!
Far Cry v1.30 to v1.4 Patch
Far Cry v1.4 Patch


My mouse isn't working right!

For whatever reason, sometimes the mouse settings in Farcry aren't set correctly. To fix this, go to the main menu, go to options, and then go to control options. At the bottom of the page, you will see "Defaults". Push it. This will reset all customized controls, but your mouse will work correctly after this.


Hamachi won't work!

Farcry's multiplayer can certainly be fun, but if you try to play it over a Hamachi network, you won't have much luck. Apparently the people at Ubisoft saw it as a possible way for people to play cracked games online. By no means am I suggesting you crack your game or use an illegal copy!

However, your ability to play a game online that you purchased isn't illegal. Even if you are using Hamachi to play it.

To get hamachi working, simply download this updated CryNetwork.dll file. (Sorry, this file will only work with version 1.33 of the game. Not version 1.4)

Once you have it downloaded, paste the file into the bin32 folder of your Farcry install. You will be prompted to overwrite the existing file. By default, this location is C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Crytek\Far Cry\Bin32. I recommend backing up the existing file before overwriting it.

And that's it. Hamachi should now be compatible with Farcry! You do, however, have to manually connect to the Hamachi IP for this to work.


How Do I Connect Directly To An IP?

Startup Farcry like normal. Open up the console (the ~ key by default). Type in \connect Host IP. Hopefully you can gather that "Host IP" is supposed to be the IP address you are attempting to connect to. Push enter. Done.


How Can I See The Framerate?

To enable the framerate (along with a bunch of other info), open up the console (default is ~) and type "\r_displayinfo 1". Obviously, don't type the quotation marks. Press enter.

To disable this display, simply type in "\r_displayinfo 0"


What Ports Does FarCry Use?

UDP: 49001, 49002


Does FarCry Support HDR?

Farcry does support HDR, but it must be enabled manually. The first thing you have to do is turn off any anti-aliasing!! If you enable HDR with anti-aliasing enabled, the game will be un-playable. Trust me.

To enable HDR, start Farcry, open the console, and type in "\r_hdrrendering 7" and press enter. Why 7? Well technically numbers 1 - 11 are available. Each one offers a variation of HDR. Number 7 seems to be the preffered number. Experiment with others if you like.

To disable HDR, simply type in "\r_hdrrendering 0" and press enter.

See for yourself by mousing-over the image.