Crysis Warhead

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Crysis Wars v1.5 Patch

Crysis Warhead Patch 1 - 37.31 MB


How can I disable the intro movies?

I have taken the liberty of creating a simple program that will remove the intro videos at the push of a button. They can also be restored if need be.

Download it here.


How can I display the framerate?

Well, if you really want to see how poorly your computer is running this game, do the following:

  • Open the console (~ by default)
  • Type in "r_displayinfo 1" (without quotation marks).
  • Push enter.

To disable it, type in "r_displayinfo 0".


I fell thru the floor!

Apparently this glitch does exist in Crysis Warhead. If this happens to you, you will have to load a previous save point, and try again. It may also be a good idea to restart the game completely (and / or your computer). This glitch seems to rear is ugly head most during the mission where you are underground and need to locate the train.