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How can I disable the intro movies?

I have taken the liberty of creating a simple program that will remove the intro videos at the push of a button. They can also be restored if need be.

Download it here.


How can I enable "Very High" in Windows XP?

Despite the claims that most of the graphical eye-candy is Vista only, you can actually manually enable it. The game will still show that you have "high" selected in the graphic options, but when you play, you will actually be using "very high" settings. Basically all you need to do is download and run this easy program I have created. This program will backup your original .cfg files, and then copy in the modified .cfg files in their place. Also, you can easily restore your original .cfg files at the click of a button.

Download DX10 Crysis Hax


How can I display the framerate?

Well, if you really want to see how poorly your computer is running this game, do the following:

  • Open the console (~ by default)
  • Type in "r_displayinfo 1" (without quotation marks).
  • Push enter.

To disable it, type in "r_displayinfo 0".


How Can I Load Any Level I Want?

Load up the game like normal, and then open the console (~ by default)

Type in "con_restricted 0" without the quotes

Now, simply enter "map mapname" without the quotes. Obviously, replace the word "mapname" with the name of the actual level you are trying to load.

Here are the levels in alphabetical order:

  • ascension
  • core
  • fleet
  • harbor
  • ice
  • island
  • mine
  • rescue
  • sphere
  • tank
  • village

If someone wants to let me know the order in which these levels appear, you can contact me at the top of the page.