
Latest Updates

Borderlands v1.30 Patch



Connection Troubles

As of patch 1.21, this may no longer be required.

If you and your friends are having trouble seeing one another's games, make sure the following ports are forwarded:

  • TCP: 7777, 28900, 27900, 28910
  • UDP: 7777, 6500, 9989

If you are still having trouble, make sure to try with your antivirus / firewall disabled.


How can I disable the intro movies?

I have created a utility that will automatically remove the intro movies. It doesn't get rid of all of them, but it removes the Nvidia, 2k, and Gearbox intros. You also have the option to restore the intro videos if you choose.

Download the Borderlands Intro Remover


Shadow Glitches

As of patch 1.21, this issue has supposedly been resolved.